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    Number printing machine which aspects of quality assurance needs to get

    HIT:2794    TIME:2015-01-08

    Numbering machine printing quality assurance is reflected in the core aspects of product value, but the actual situation is not these ideals to bear due to the printing process more outside influence, resulting in print quality can not meet the level of the industry in the implementation of, this work is the development of the production of the manufacturer unhelpful role, the number of machines that print quality from what what need to get the following come to you a comprehensive introduction:
    First, understand the equipment, the number of machines using the printing quality is still associated with the staff there is a big operation, the operation is not correct printing quality assurance is difficult to play the effect, will be a waste, it is necessary for the proper operation of equipment necessary staff a higher level of understanding, resulting in operational use links can play correctness effect on print quality assurance can play a significant protective effect, it requires manufacturers to establish a complete mentoring program to enable staff to fully understand the equipment.
    Second, protective treatment, the number of machines using the ink problem is most affecting print quality, do not be controlled, then the entire working environment will continue to impact on the use of the form printing quality, usually require protective treatment, to reduce the impact on the effect of oil pollution problem, printing effect it can be fully controlled.